Leap to the next level of productivity and efficiency by fully utilizing CrystalWave. Supercharge Business One’s capabilities by automating document and information delivery, implementing delivery workflows and utilizing advanced delivery options. Increase your productivity and ROI by better utilizing the tools you already have.
Inefficiency comes at a heavy cost, especially for emerging and midsize companies. Your document delivery and reporting tools must work seamlessly with your business management system with the easy to use flexibility and control your business demands.
CrystalWave is the first software application seamlessly integrating SAP Business One and Crystal Reports, a popular reporting tool. The tight integration enables SAP® Business One users to design and deliver Marketing Documents and custom Crystal Reports from within the SAP® Business One environment, eliminating the inefficiencies associated with using an external reporting tool. And because Crystal Reports is the industry standard for reporting, both SAP® Business One Partners and their clients can leverage existing, in-house expertise.
Now SAP® Business One users can quickly and easily deliver marketing documents and custom Crystal Reports to colleagues, customers, and vendors from within SAP® Business One. Documents can be delivered via e-mail, Internet fax, electronic file export, and print.
Data is not static – and reports that display it shouldn’t be either. CrystalWave makes it possible to easily change or design new reports by leveraging the industry standard report editor, Crystal Reports.
Item Placement Tool
Screen designer functionality where you can redesign every form in SAP® Business One. Relocate and hide fields and tabs, enabling that SAP® Business One can be customized to suit the individual customers business and processes.
Whether you need to overhaul report templates or just add a logo, CrystalWave enables anyone to quickly and easily redesign Marketing Documents with Crystal Reports.
The concept behind integrated business management systems is that data is shared between core business functions eliminating the need to enter data more than once and, therefore, avoiding errors. Why should reporting be any different? CrystalWave enables data and images stored within SAP® Business One to dynamically populate reports. With CrystalWave, you get it right the first time.
Additional control means more flexibility for the end user
By providing Document Delivery and access to Crystal Reports, the industry standard reporting tool, CrystalWave makes report development for SAP® Business One users fast, easy and affordable.
Get started by contacting a CrystalWave expert at Third Wave today!