Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Certified Add-On for SAP Business One

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Certified Add-On for SAP Business One

The Value of SAP Business One

Make electronic payments to reduce costs, maximize cash flow, and streamline your accounts payable and receivable processes.

Imagine how much would your company benefit from a seamless process within SAP Business One that electronically transfers payments and cash receipts via EFT/ACH bank transactions.

  • What if you could use the SAP Business One Payment Wizard to quickly create an EFT/ACH bank file?
  • Would you like to reduce payment processing costs, increase security and reduce Days Outstanding?

Third Wave’s Electronic Funds Transfer allows you to do all this and more.

Download the datasheet to learn how Third Wave uses SAP Business One to help businesses:

With the SAP Business One ERP solution as the digital core, Third Wave provides adaptable enterprise resource planning systems that support an organization’s growth. A key success factor for our customers is our ability to implement process automation and integration with their internal and external systems.

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