OGI Eyewear

OGI Eyewear

Integration Challenge

Shortly after launching SAP Business One, this boutique eyewear manufacturer experienced steady growth, despite losing its implementation partner, which went out of business. OGI soon hit a ceiling, facing inefficient accounting and trouble planning its inventory. The team needed to retool its SAP implementation, so they turned to Third Wave.

Third Wave Solution

  • Integrated existing accounting tools and files into SAP Business One.
  • Input OGI’s inventory into Business One, then automated the processes that had been manual.
  • Tracked product data to ascertain the life of the product.
  • Focused on teaching OGI’s IS manager how to use the tool to its fullest.

Real Results

  • Accounting time is significantly reduced, with reports generated with just a couple of clicks.
  • Each product is on the way to having an accuratelifespan attached.
  • Inventory planning goes much more smoothly, with significantly fewer problems.
  • OGI leadership and employees are more relaxed. Stress has dropped noticeably.
Ready to Get Started

Talk to our ERP and supply chain experts

Our services include implementation, training, and support for SAP Business One, a flexible and easy to use ERP Solution to help you make better decisions, solve your business challenges, and grow your company.