Securely Publish Information from a Variety of Data Sources with APP Portal from Third Wave

What if you could publish information from a variety of data sources, not limited to SAP Business One? APP Portal from Third Wave Business Systems is a tool that enables you to do just so. In addition to SAP Business One, you can publish data from any SQL Server database on the web that can later be consumed by a wide variety of audiences, internal or external to the company. Some internal audiences include sales people and various employees who want to log in and check things like how many vacation days they have left for the remainder of the year. Salespeople can login and check who their customers are, who the contacts of their customers are, phone numbers, orders that have been placed, commissions for the month, and much more. Some external examples are customers and vendors. Customers can login and check their open invoices, status of their orders, and tracking numbers. Vendors are able to check things like what kinds of orders have been placed in past months and what inventory levels are like.

What are some other features of Third Wave’s APP Portal?:

Contact Third Wave today and find out how APP Portal can benefit your organization!

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