APP Charts & Dashboards

APP Charts & Dashboards

With APP’s Charts & Dashboards Component, you have the ability to build multiple graphical views of SAP Business One using a single query in only a few steps. Add layers of information with built-in refresh times to keep you up-to-date on your business’ key performance. APP’s Interactive Dashboards deliver SAP Business One data without the need for external view licenses. Since APP comes prepackaged with a library of commonly used queries, this allows you to have dashboards up and running in no time!

Here are a few key features of Advanced Productivity Pack’s Charts & Dashboards Component:

  • Easy to set up – uses standard SAP Queries to provide data for the charts
  • Build charts quickly on pre-existing queries
  • Use a single query as a data source for multiple charts
  • Combine charts to create dashboards
  • Use a single query as a data source for multiple charts
  • Drill into the data source from any Chart or Dashboard
  • Set up aggregates
  • Easy to setup
  • Group, filter, and sort through data, while being able to drill back into SAP transactions

Contact Third Wave today to find out more on this powerful and easy to use data analysis tool!